On the Road with FidoJet:
Safe and Comfortable Pet Transportation

Pet Transportation by Car


a. Secure Pet Crate:

Ensure your pet travels in a well-ventilated and secure crate appropriate for their size.

b. Health Certificate:

Obtain a recent health certificate from your veterinarian, confirming your pet’s fitness for travel.

c. Identification and Tags:

Ensure your pet has proper identification tags and a collar with updated contact information.

d. Documentation:

Prepare any necessary documentation required for road travel, including proof of vaccinations and ownership.


a. Pre-Travel Preparation:

Ensure your pet is accustomed to the travel crate, and consider a pre-travel visit to the veterinarian.

b. Feeding Instructions:

Avoid feeding your pet immediately before the journey to reduce the risk of motion sickness.

c. Comfort Items:

Include familiar items in the crate, such as a favorite toy or blanket, to provide comfort during the train journey.

d. Regular Check-ins:

Periodically check on your pet during the journey to ensure their well-being and provide comfort.


a. Flexibility:

Road travel offers flexibility in terms of route adjustments and the ability to tailor the journey to your pet’s needs.

b. Personalized Care:

With a dedicated road fleet, FidoJet provides personalized care, ensuring your pet’s comfort and well-being.

c. Direct Supervision:

Pets are under direct supervision, allowing for immediate attention to their needs throughout the journey.

d. More Affordable:

FidoJet provides road transportation services at a very affordable price starting from (Rs 12/km – Rs 20/km) ; depending upon routes and size of pet.


a. Travel Duration:

Road travel may take longer than air transport, particularly for longer distances.

b. Weather Impact:

Adverse weather conditions could impact road travel schedules, leading to potential delays.

c. Space Constraints:

While FidoJet vehicles are designed for comfort, space constraints are inherent in road transport, especially for larger pets.

Although, With Fidojet you get car space customized for your pet.


Q: Is road transport safe for pets?

Absolutely. Our specially equipped vehicles, secure crates, and trained staff prioritize the safety and comfort of your pet.

Q: What makes road transport a good choice for pets?

Road travel offers flexibility, personalized care, and a stress-free experience, making it an ideal choice for pets.

Q: What makes road transport a good choice for pets?

Road travel offers flexibility, personalized care, and a stress-free experience, making it an ideal choice for pets.